The book of Josef et Anni Albers, whose exhibition held at Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris 2021
The book of Josef et Anni Albers, whose exhibition held at Musée d'Art Moderne de Paris 2021
1986年駒形克己により設立。グラフィックデザイン全般。本の制作・出版。商品開発。日本国内、世界各地で行われるワークショップ活動、展示プロデュースなど。1994年より世界各地を巡回している「1,2,3...KOMAGATA」展の開催や、毎年春に開催されるボローニャ国際児童図書展での、ブース「SMALL WORLD」の出展など。NY ADC銀賞、ラガッツィ賞、グッドデザイン賞(積み木)、グッドデザイン賞・ユニバーサルデザイン大賞、 ドミュメンタリー番組「触れる 感じる 壊れる絵本 ~造本作家・駒形克己の挑戦~」がWOWOWプライムにて放送され国際エミー賞にノミネート 他

The seed of books
The first application for book seeds has been completed.
There are many applications from all over the world,
Finally you can choose the work of an Argentine illustrator,
I am currently working on the production.
It will be released in 2021.
We will continue this project.
Please see the web for information.
The first application for "SEED OF BOOK" has been closed. We received a lot of applications from all over the world, and finally we were able to select the work of an Argentine illustrator, and we are currently working on the production. It will be released within 2021. We will continue this project. Please see our website for more information.
We are looking for a small book "Book Seeds" to sow for publication.
From the submitted works, share the production process with the author for the works that you sympathize with, and publish it at ONE STROKE.
It will be sold at our gallery and shops.
Please check the details below and apply by email.
We are looking forward to your application!
We are looking for "seed of book", small books that can be sows for your future publication.
From the submitted books, we share the publication process with the authors for which we sympathize with.
They will be published by ONE STROKE, sold at our gallery and other shops.
Please check the details below and apply by email. We are looking forward to your application!
1st open call for participants
Application format
Book concept (unpublished work)
About 5 spread thumbnails (2MB or less in total when images are attached)
Please send the above two points to one@one-stroke.co.jp.
Application deadline: End of July
Publishing format
A6 size saddle stitch booklet (left stitch)
16 pages of text + cover
Sales price: 500 yen including tax (published at any time on ONE STROKE)
1st open call
Application format
Book concept (unpublished work)
About 5 thumbnails of fancing pages (2MB or less in total for e-mail attatchment)
Please send the above two to one@one-stroke.co.jp
Application deadline: End of July
Publishing format
A6 size saddle stitch booklet (left binding)
16 pages + cover
Sales price: 500 yen including tax